Bayes Lectures 2014: Schedule

All lectures will be held on the fourth floor of the Informatics Forum. The lectures in room 4.31/33, and breaks in mini-forum 2 (room 4.40), except when explicitly noted otherwise.

Wednesday 28 May

13:30 – 14:00 Welcome, tea and coffee in 2.32 (Mini Forum 1, on level 2)
14:00 – 14:10 Opening remarks
14:10 – 15:20 Improving prediction from Dirichlet process mixtures via enrichment abstract
Sonia Petrone (Università Bocconi, Italy)
15:20 – 15:45 A Bayesian semi-parametric approach for the analysis of T-cell receptor diversity abstract
Nuno Sepulveda (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and University of Lisbon, Portugal)
15:45 – 16:15 Tea break
16:15 – 17:25 Bayes in the Age of Big Data abstract
Max Welling (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
17:25 – 17:50 Associative embeddings for large-scale knowledge transfer with self- assessment abstract
Vittorio Ferrari (University of Edinburgh)
17:50 – 19:30 Poster reception: list of posters

Thursday 29 May

9:15 – 9:40 Bayesian modelling to estimate genetic and epidemiological parameters from field disease data abstract
Mintu Nath (Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland)
9:40 – 10:05 Model-based analysis of time series: stochastic gene expression as a case study abstract
Nacho Molina (University of Edinburgh)
10:05 – 10:30 Bayes factors for linear mixed effect models abstract
Richard D. Morey (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
10:30 – 10:55 On the use of informative priors to maintain geological realism in petroleum reservoir prediction modelling abstract
Vasily Demyanov (Heriot-Watt Uniersity)
10:55 – 11:30 Tea break
11:30 – 12:40 Probabilistic programming - the future of Bayesian inference? abstract
John Winn (Microsoft Research Ltd)
12:40 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 15:10 Wildfires in South Africa; Cherry Trees in Japan abstract
Alan Gelfand (Duke University, USA)
15:10 – 15:20 Closing remarks

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