2001 CogSci Conference

Poster Session 1

Poster boards are 6'x 4'in a landscape orientation.There are no specific formatting instructions for posters.

Posters are numbered according to where they will be situated during the poster session. Will presenters please take a note of the number assigned to their poster, as this will make finding the appropriate poster board much easier on the day.

  1. The Emergence of Semantic Categories from Distributed Featural Representations
    Michael Greer, Maarten van Casteren, Stuart McLellan, Helen Moss, Jennifer Rodd, Timothy Rogers
  2. The Impact of Feedback Semantics in Visual Word Recognition: Number of Features Effects in Lexical Decision and Naming Tasks
    Penny Pexman, Stephen Lupker, Yasushi Hino
  3. Pragmatics at Work: Formulation and Interpretation of Conditional Instructions
    Denis Hilton, Jean Francois Bonnefon, Markus Kemmelmeier
  4. Referential Form, Word Duration and Modelling the user in Spoken Dialogue
    Ellen Bard, Matthew Aylett
  5. Effects of Competing Speech on Sentence-Word Priming: Semantic, Perceptual, and Attentional Factors
    Katherine Moll, Eileen Cardillo, Jennfier Utman
  6. Modelling the Detailed Pattern of SRT Sequence Learning
    Fergal Jones, Ian McLaren
  7. Preserved Implicit Learning on both the Serial Reaction Time Task and Artificial Grammar in Patients with Parkinson's Disease
    Jared Smith, Richard Siegert, John McDowall, David Abernethy
  8. The Effects of Reducing Information on a Modified Prisoner's Dilemma Game
    Jay Brown, Marsha Lovett
  9. Remembering to forget: Inhibitory and competitive mechanisms in human memory
    Mike Oram, Malcolm MacLeod
  10. The role of velocity in affect discrimination
    Helena Paterson, Frank E. Pollick, Antony Sanford
  11. The time-course of morphological, phonological and semantic processes in reading Modern Standard Arabic
    Sami Boudelaa
  12. A Cognitive Account of Historical Linguistic Data
    Marcus O'Toole, Jon Oberlander, Richard Shillcock
  13. Individual Differences in Reasoning about Broken Devices: An Eye Tracking
    Shulan Lu, Brent Olde, Elisa Cooper, Arthur Graesser
  14. Testing Hypotheses About Mechanical Devices
    Aidan Feeney, Simon Handley
  15. Models of Ontogenetic Development for Autonomous Adaptive Systems
    Derek Harter, Robert Kozma, Arthur Graesser
  16. Mental Models and the Meaning of Connectives: A Study on Children, Adolescents and Adults
    Katiuscia Sacco, Monica Bucciarelli, Mauro Adenzato
  17. Words and Shape Similarity Guide 13-month-olds? Inferences about Nonobvious Object Properties
    Susan Graham, Cari Kilbreath, Andrea Welder
  18. Investigating Dissociations Between Perceptual Categorization and Explicit Memory
    Marci Flanery, Thomas Palmeri, Brooke Schaper
  19. The Role of Feedback in Categorisation
    Mark Suret, Ian McLaren
  20. Testing a computational model of categorisation and category combination: Identifying diseases and new disease combinations
    Fintan Costello
  21. Competition between linguistic cues and perceptual cues in children's categorization: English- and Japanese-speaking children
    Hanako Yoshida, Linda Smith, Cindy Drake, Joy Swanson, Leanna Gudel
  22. Cue Preference in a Multidimensional Categorization Task
    Patricia Berretty
  23. Kinds of kinds: Sources of Category Coherence
    Kenneth Kurtz, Dedre Gentner
  24. A Model of Infant Causal Perception and its Development
    Harold Chaput, Leslie Cohen
  25. Singular and General Causal Arguments
    Uwe Oestermeier, Friedrich Hesse
  26. Causal Information as a Constraint on Similarity
    Jessica Choplin, Patricia Cheng, Keith Holyoak
  27. Clustering Using the Contrast Model
    Daniel Navarro, Michael Lee
  28. The Semantic Modulation of Deductive Premises
    Clare Walsh, P.N. Johnson-Laird
  29. Roles of Shared Relations in Induction
    Hitoshi Ohnishi
  30. Very Rapid Induction of General Patterns
    Robert Hadley
  31. Modeling the interplay of emotions and plans in multi-agent simulations
    Stacy Marsella, Jonathan Gratch
  32. Automated Proof Planning for Instructional Design
    Erica Melis, Christoph Glasmacher, Carsten Ullrich, Peter Gerjets
  33. Strategies in Analogous Planning Cases
    Andrew Gordon
  34. The Effect of Practice on Strategy Change
    Suzanne Charman, Andrew Howes
  35. Where Do Probability Judgments Come From? Evidence for Similarity - Graded Probability
    Peter Juslin, HNekan Nilsson, Henrik Olsson
  36. Human Sequence Learning: Can Associations Explain Everything?
    Rainer Spiegel, Ian McLaren
  37. The origin of somatic markers: A suggestion to Damasio's theory inspired by Dewey's ethics
    Suzanne Filipic
  38. Young Children's Construction of Operational Definitions in Magnetism: The role of cognitive readiness and scaffolding the learning environment
    Anathasios Raftopoulos
  39. Modelling Policies for Collaboration
    Mark Burton, Paul Brna
  40. Modelling Language Acquisition: Grammar from the Lexicon?
    Steve Howell, Suzanna Becker
  41. The Limitation of Embedded-Teaching for Formal Learning
    Mei Chen
  42. Assessing Generalization in Connectionist and Rule-based models Under the Learnability Constraint
    Thomas Shultz
  43. Interactions between Frequency Effects and Age of Acquisition Effects in a Connectionist Network
    Paul Munro, Garrison Cottrell
  44. A connectionist account of the emergence of the literal-metaphorical-anomalous distinction in young children
    Michael Thomas, Denis Mareschal, Andrew Hinds
  45. A Parser for Harmonic Context-Free Grammars
    John Hale, Paul Smolensky
  46. What does he mean?
    Maria Wolters, David Beaver
  47. The Hot Hand in Basketball: Fallacy or Adaptive Thinking?
    Bruce Burns
  48. The Conscious-Subconscious Interface: An Emerging Metaphor in HCI
    Aryn Pyke, Robert West
  49. Combining Integral and Separable Subspaces
    Mikael Johannesson
  50. A Perceptually Driven Dynamical Model of Rhythmic Limb Movement and Bimanual Coordination
    Geoffrey Bingham
  51. Costs of Switching Perspectives in Route and Survey Descriptions
    Paul Lee, Barbara Tversky
  52. A new model of graph and visualization usage
    Greg Trafton, Susan Trickett
  53. Judging the Probability of Representative and Unrepresentative Unpackings
    Constantinos Hadjichristidis, Steven Sloman, Edward Wisniewsk
  54. A Selective Attention Based Method for Visual Pattern Recognition
    Albert Ali Salah, Ethem Alpaydin, Lale Akarun
  55. Evaluating the Effects of Natural Language Generation Techniques on Reader Satisfaction
    Charles Callaway, James Lester
  56. A Comparative Evaluation of Socratic Versus Didactic Tutoring
    Carolyn Rose, Johanna Moore, Kurt VanLehn, David Allbritton
  57. Rational imitation of goal-directed actions in 14-month-olds
    György Gergely, Harold Bekkering, and Ildiko Kiraly
  58. Using a Triad Judgment Task to Examine the Effect of Experience on Problem Representation in Statistics
    Mitchell Rabinowitz and Tracy Hogan
  59. Member Abstract Posters

  60. Understanding death as the cessation of intentional action: A cross-cultural developmental study
    H. Clark Barrett
  61. Thinking through Doing: Manipulative Abduction?
    Lorenzo Magnani
  62. Categorical Perception as Adaptive Processing of Complex Visuo-spatial Configurations in High-level Basket-ball Players
    Eric Laurent, Thierry Ripoll, and Hubert Ripoll
  63. Levels of Processing and Picture Memory: An Eye movement Analysis
    Yuh-shiow Lee
  64. Towards a Multiple Component Model of Human Memory:A Hippocampal-Cortical Memory Model of Encoding Specificity
    Kenneth Kwok, James McClelland
  65. A Connectionist Model of Semantic Memory: Superordinate structure without hierarchies
    George Cree, Ken McRae
  66. Attention Shift and Verb Labels in Event Memory
    Dorrit Billman, Michael Firment
  67. Working Memory Processes During Abductive Reasoning
    Martin Baumann, Josef F. Krems
  68. Mass and Count in Language and Cognition: Some Evidence from Language Comprehension
    Heike Wiese, Maria Pinango
  69. Hemispheric Effects of Concreteness in Pictures and Words
    Daniel Casasanto, John Kounios, John Detre
  70. Infants' Associations of Words and Sounds to Animals and Vehicles
    Eliana Colunga, Linda Smith
  71. Explanations of words and natural contexts: An experiment with children's limericks
    Greg Aist

  72. The frequency of connectives in preschool children's language environment
    Bradley J. Morris
  73. Linguistic Resources and "Ontologies" across Sense Modalities: A Comparison between Color, Odor, and Noise and Sound
    Daniele Dubois, Caroline Cance
  74. The semantics of temporal prepositions: the case of IN
    David Bree
  75. Advantages of a Visual Representation for Computer Programming
    Kirsten Whitley, Laura Novick, Doug Fisher
  76. A SOAR Model of Human Video Game players
    Hidemi Ogasawara, Takehiko Ohno
  77. Spatial priming of recognition in a virtual space
    Gareth Miles, Andrew Howes
  78. Sub Space: Describing Distant Psychological Space
    Eliza Littleton, Christian Schunn, Susan Kirschenbaum
  79. Configural and Elemental Approaches to Causal Learning
    Mike Le Pelley, S. E. Forwood, Ian McLaren
  80. Modeling the Effect of Category Use on Learning and Representation
    Kenneth Kurtz, John Cochener, Douglas Medin
    (Moved to Poster Session 2)
  81. Learning Statistics: The Use of Conceptual Equations and Overviews to Aid Transfer
    Richard Catrambone, Robert Atkinson
  82. Concept Generalization in Separable and Integral Stimulus Spaces
    Nicolas Davidenko, Joshua Tenenbaum
  83. A Criticism of the Conception of Ecological Rationality
    Daniel Hsi-wen Liu
  84. Neural Networks as Fitness Evaluators in Genetic Algorithms: Simulating Human Creativity
    Vera Kempe, Robert Levy, Craig Graci
  85. An Alternative Method of Problem Solving: The Goal-Induced Attractor
    William Levy, Xiangbao Wu
  86. Thoughts on the Prospective MML-TP: A Mental MetaLogic-Based Theorem Prover
    Selmer Bringsjord, Yingrui Yang

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